Friday, November 27, 2009

Ecco Bros Christmas Tree!

For the first time in history I present to you... the Ecco Bros Family Christmas Tree!

The 2009 Evans/Cottill Family Christmas Tree!

Every year, on the day after Thanksgiving, the Evans/Cottrill clan heads up to the hills to Alan Acres to cut down our Christmas tree.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

March to the match!!!

I stumbled into an ECS march to the match!

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Buildin' stuff at work.

I put together these window panels at work today. I managed to break one and repair it already!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wedding Photography

My camera comes with me to every wedding I attend and I often get shots that rival the paid photographer's, but I've never wanted to deal with the stress of being a solo wedding professional. Well, what if I wasn't alone? What if I could shoot a wedding as part of a team where each member plays to his or her strengths? Enter Christine Buffalow, a fellow photographer who, like me, thinks that weddings are better when approached as a duo. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. What are weddings if not two coming together to form a partnership that is greater than the sum of its parts?

So before we jump into this new creative venture we need to know a few things about what people want from a good wedding photography experience. Do people still like getting a nicely printed album of the best images from the wedding day? What about professional prints to go up in the living room, the cubicle, and Mom and Dad's house? I know everybody wants digital images to put up on facebook, but would it be reasonable to charge more for a disk of full-res images? What if you got a link to an online gallery of your wedding photos and then from there you could download only the images that you want or order prints and/or create your own albums?

Thanks in advance for any feedback on this subject. I'd love to hear about any good or bad wedding photography experiences. Maybe you know someone that is getting married soon that still needs a photographer. Christine and I would love to get our feet wet as soon as possible, so send them our way!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Old Friends and In-N-Out

I had my first In-N-Out experience last weekend. It was goooooooood.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm a bad blogger

I know no one reads this, but I feel like I could be better about posting more regularly. Maybe then people would have a reason to check in. It's hard to keep a blog though when facebook is so much easier and I can post WAY more pictures, with captions, and get feedback on each of them, instantly. Maybe I need a new theme or direction for this page. If anyone reads this... do you have any suggestions?

Friday, August 28, 2009 Killed my Blog

I had my blog hosted on my domain when I had GoDaddy hosting. Now that is hosting my site I have lost several useful features. My blog has to be hosted by blogspot and in the transition I lost all my pictures. I also lost the ability to put up client galleries. With I would have to upgrade to a pro account in order to be able to regain that function. I think when my year of student pricing is up I'll be back to GoDaddy hosting and find someone to build my site. I need a pretty site that's easy to update, but I also need functionality. Oh, I also lost my ability to use the domain as an FTP site. won't let me ftp more than about what I can send in an email. Lame! I have thought about getting for cheep from GoDaddy just to restore some functionality. I still may do that.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

facebook is dead to me.

Today I had to log off of facebook. It let me down for the last time. How could I keep using a social networking site without a profile picture. It wouldn't be right. After hours and hours of trying to change my pic, all facebook could do was let me take down the picture I always put up on game day. I love the Sounders FC, but it would look weird if I left that pic up all week long. I know I'm not the only one with this problem. The help forums are filled with people complaining of the same thing. Yet facebook is silent. The good people who live in the interweb remain silent. I can see how much they care by their silence. So that's it. I'm done with facebook. Until tomorrow.

Photo by Angelica Rose Photography

Friday, January 16, 2009

Keith Is Awesome!

Seattle- Today it was discovered that Keith Cottrill of Keith Cottrill Photography is just an all-around awesome person. He takes pretty pictures, likes puppies, and loves Jesus. What more could you want from a great guy? You should hire him to take pictures of the things you want to sell.